As promised in the rule section I will be showing you my monthly plastic. My bag of shame is where I collect all of the plastic that I do accumulate in my life.
This time I am including all of the plastic trash that I have used since I started this lifestyle. Interestingly I remember all of these items and why I have them. There is a LARABAR wrapper from the first week when I was not prepared enough and though I would die of hunger. The salsa container was a heartbreak because I bought a burrito to avoid plastic not knowing that they put the salsa in a separate container. You might ask why I have a brown paper in the background? Well that is from a night where I went out for pizza at the Cheese Board. I thought that it was wax paper, later that night I burnt the corner to make sure. That's when I realized that it is indeed plastic coated. There are milk caps, a plastic seal that I didn't realize was there, and a ripped reusable bag that I can no longer reuse. The biggest plastic purchase I made was the grey hard plastic on the top of the picture. It is from a few weeks ago when I bought a Stand Up Paddleboard. I bought it used and the straps that I brought with me were not keeping the board attached to the top of my car so I went into the local Ace Hardware store to buy new straps. These were the least plastic wrapped.
All in all for the past 53 days my plastic trash is 6 oz.
All in all for the past 53 days my plastic trash is 6 oz.